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From Amazon 5 star reviews:
"This series should come with a warning, I HAD to keep reading, it’s compelling stuff."
"These books are fast-paced, gripping, and full of well developed and interesting characters. If you love dystopian stories you cannot afford to miss this series."
"I originally read the trilogy as three separate books but wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this one as if I’d been able to, I wouldn’t have had to wait for books 2 and 3! If you love dystopian thrillers, you’ll love Seth Rain’s vision of our future."
"Quite honestly one of the best dystopian series I’ve read in a long while - it’s up there with the Maze Runner series, the Chaos Walking series and the Hunger Games series - also note that all of those mentioned are big selling or soon to be big selling (Chaos Walking is currently in production) films. The Humanity Series has it all, fully fleshed-out characters, a genuinely unique take on a dystopian future and a storyline that pulls you wherever it leads and you can do nothing but to follow!"
"There’s love, drama, sadness, and joy in this thrilling series and I can’t wait to read the next in the Humanity Series."
"Brilliant concept and very well written."
"Loved this series, can't wait for the next book. It's a great read, and I highly recommend it. Give it a go, you won't be sorry."
"Boxsets are great for binge reading and this series is no exception. The great advantage of a good boxset is that you don't have to wait for the next in the series. This series is really well written with each book building on the previous book, great storyline and the main characters are 'drawn' well."